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PPNR Module

synthesizes data for revenue projections, aiding strategic planning and regulatory compliance.
Problems we solve for financial institutions

Asset analytics

Analyses and forecasts the performance of assets under various market conditions, providing detailed insights that aid in strategic asset management and allocation.

Liability analytics

Evaluates liabilities against potential future scenarios to determine impact on overall financial health, supporting effective liability management.

Fund Transfert Pricing

How the profitability of your different business lines will evolve under different scenarios. 

Equity, Income, Opex, & Tax

Combines projections of equity changes, income fluctuations, operational expenses, and tax implications into comprehensive financial forecasts, enabling holistic planning and compliance.

Problems we solve for financial institutions

Asset analytics

Analyses and forecasts the performance of assets under various market conditions, providing detailed insights that aid in strategic asset management and allocation.

Liability analytics

Evaluates liabilities against potential future scenarios to determine impact on overall financial health, supporting effective liability management.

Fund Transfert Pricing

How the profitability of your different business lines will evolve under different scenarios. 

Equity, Income, Opex, & Tax

Combines projections of equity changes, income fluctuations, operational expenses, and tax implications into comprehensive financial forecasts, enabling holistic planning and compliance.

Key Features
Quality of life tools to optimise your risk

Forward-Looking Revenue Projections

Generates projections for future revenues under different stress scenarios, essential for strategic financial planning and capital allocation.

Comprehensive Stress Testing

Integrates stress testing capabilities to predict financial performance in adverse conditions, crucial for regulatory compliance and risk management.

Multi-Dimensional Analysis

Offers multi-dimensional financial analysis by correlating assets, liabilities, and capital projections, providing a 360-degree view of financial stability.

Regulatory Compliance Tools

Includes tools specifically designed to aid in meeting regulatory requirements, ensuring that financial institutions remain compliant under various scenarios.

Automated Data Synthesis

Automatically synthesizes data across various financial domains to streamline the forecasting process, reducing manual input and enhancing accuracy.

Scenario-Specific Forecasting

Allows institutions to create tailored forecasts for specific scenarios, supporting targeted strategy adjustments and proactive risk management.

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